Great Change Cleaning Service LLC.
Housekeeping Service Pensacola, Florida

"I want to get your home or office fabulously clean at a reasonable price!"
-Pueschel Schneier

History/ Success Story
Pueschel Schneier grew up in Pensacola and went to PJC with a focus on business management. In 1990, she started working at MatchMaker Intl., which was a professional introduction service that introduced sincere, compatible adults for the purpose of dating. She started as a part-time appointment setter but was quickly promoted to office manager. During the fourteen years she worked at MMI, she obtained her real estate license in order to buy and sell investment properties with her father and started selling Mary Kay cosmetics. She continued to work at MMI until she got married and started a family in 2004, when she became a stay-at-home wife and mother. In 2008, her grandmother went on HOSPICE care. Pueschel and her mother decided to hire a housekeeping service to clean her grandmother’s house. They were disappointed when the housekeepers took a dry feather duster and scattered the dust, didn’t pick up or move anything to dust, only vacuumed in the middle, and didn’t clean the blinds, interior windows, or ceiling fans. The company sent a different housekeeper every time and there was no consistency with the time or day, so she decided to start cleaning her grandmother’s house herself. One day, the idea dawned on her that she could probably make some extra money by cleaning other peoples’ houses. She figured she would be able to clean while her son was in school and be there to pick him up every day and still be a full-time wife and mom, so she mass emailed every real estate agent and Mary Kay Beauty consultant in town with the announcement that she was starting a cleaning service. She obtained cleaning jobs from one real estate agent and one Mary Kay consultant, which was enough for her to learn how to clean a small variety of homes. The following school year, Pueschel attended a PTA meeting. The topic of the meeting was Fall Fundraiser ideas to buy a laminating machine for the teachers. Pueschel told the group that she owned a housekeeping service and that she would donate a portion of the profits if they allowed her to advertise to the parents of the school. They thought that was a great idea! That’s when she bought her business license and launched a new business campaign. She purchased some professional printing paper, printed out 97 new business announcement brochures, and placed one in every child’s box at school for the parents. She got five regular clients from her homemade brochures. The next year, she placed an ad in the Yellow Pages and is still cleaning for her very first Yellow Pages client! The next couple years, she designed her website, made a T.V. commercial, and appeared in Bella Magazine. As her company grew and expanded, she hired housekeepers from ads on Craigslist. The second housekeeper Pueschel ever hired in 2011, Sharon, is still working with her, and the third housekeeper she hired, Kristie, started in 2012. Kristie and Sharon have demonstrated incredible dependability and consistently thorough cleaning year after year. Pueschel has over 25 years experience of property and business management and over 19 years of marriage to her son’s father. She is a dedicated wife, mother, and business owner. Pueschel was born and raised in Pensacola and cherishes the community. She is well-known from years of networking through community service clubs and organizations. She has worked hard to make Great Change Cleaning Service a well-respected, professional business and she is passionate about the quality of service the company provides. She is particular about who she associates with as independent contractors for her service. She believes that honestly, dependability, communication, and a strong work ethic are the key attributes to the housekeepers who make her business what it is.